Friday, 2 August 2013

30.07.13 Woggles, drums and dancing...

Today our wake up call was at 8am when loud music was played over the camp tannoy system. We then went to excercise at 8.15am. After breakfast we had a subcamp meeting for the Art programme we are on for three days. We found out where the activities would be taking place before heading to the first one which was woggle making. After a lot of fiddling and restarts we were successful. Next was an African drumming workshop where we enjoyed experimenting with different rhythms. Our final activity before lunch was dancing which we found a lot of fun despite some of the groups lack of skill (the instructor found this very funny). After lunch we relaxed for a while before playing a wide game with our subcamp. We joined with another group and followed a map all around camp taking part in games as we went around to germ points, it was a lot of fun! We found out that our group (monsters) came second. The evening entertainment was extremely interesting and fun - each group had to do a presentation!!! There was singing, dancing and we we did a sketch about our journey to Siberia. After dancing at the disco it was time for bed!

Our first breakfast on camp...mmm :)


  1. It sounds amazing! Carry on having a great time! Love, Olivia's Mum xx

  2. Glad your having a great time. Take care, be careful of the interesting insects don't bring any back as pets.
    Love Sophie's mum and dad and James
