Looking at the date you'll realise that we've actually made it back to the UK now. Things got so busy that we decided to postpone the blog until we'd returned so it's now catch up time :)
Today was our first day on 'Eco'. After breakfast we went on a walk to a small island which had a lot of species of plants that were unique to the area. To reach it we had to cross two streams and got very wet in the process! Once on the island we were told some legends about it such as the 'wish tree' which was a hollow tree that we placed a pebble in to make a wish for someone we knew. The walk gave us an opportunity to get to know the Russian Scouts a lot better. A few of them have very good English and have been translating for the younger scouts.
After lunch it was time to test our strength! We threw iron axes and spears, attempted to knock each other off a log and had a go at wrestling someone to their feet using a giant stick. It was a lot of fun.
Hannah, less than impressed by the ant hills! |
In the evening we had a sub-camp meeting where Olivia and Vanessa were involved in a game where one person in the group had to wear as many clothes as possible - Vanessa's team won! Later on we visited Oxanna's camp - they had invited us by making flowers using balloons with the message written on to them - where we played games, talked and sang songs. Oxanna has really good English and has been helping us out by translating a lot.
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