Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Forest Camp 8th-10th March

The Youth Contingent - Hannah, Vanessa, Sophie, Olivia and Emily
We arrived on the 8th, excited to see each other again despite the bad weather! We went through the camp rules, set up all the tents and our sleeping bags, and sat down to discuss what we would be doing that weekend.  Then we began to make our first craft: thread Easter eggs filled with a chick and chocolate. This was good fun if immensely infuriating at times! After that we had a hot drink before getting ready for bed.

On the 9th (Saturday) we got up at 8.30 and collected wood for the fire. Although difficult to light, the fire was eventually got going and we had breakfast before heading off to do the low ropes course, which was a lot of fun! (Congratulations to Sophie for having the most number of falls!) We then had lunch and started to make our sock puppets for the "Alternative Camp Fire". By this stage we were getting very cold and so the decision was made not to camp on Saturday night and instead sleep in a nearby Scout hut. We took down the tents and relocated there. Once we had arrived we made Friendship Knot Badges and Monkey's fist key rings to sell as part of our fundraising. Dinner was served, after which we discussed the Group Charter and got ready for bed.

Sunday morning found us all a lot warmer than on Saturday!  We had breakfast before continuing with our crafts and having our 121 chats with Alison and Naomi. After lunch we discussed the Pax Lodge weekend which is planned for April. The time for home came quickly and we said our goodbyes before setting off, looking forward to seeing one another again soon.


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